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麦当娜·西科尼 Madonna Ciccone简介
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麦当娜 Madonna Ciccone简介/ Like a virgin 歌词/麦当娜专辑/麦当娜语录

      麦当娜如今的位置早已不止音乐的范畴,她的影响力到达了社会文化的层面。从她的宣传、她的言论、她的婚姻和子女,麦当娜成为美国 文化的代表词之一。
本名:Madonna Ciccone
全名:Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone
中文名:麦当娜 或 玛丹娜
      麦当娜-西科尼(Madonna Ciccone),1958年8月16日出生于美国密歇根州底特律附近的海湾城-贝城。父亲是一名工程师,母亲是一位家庭主妇,麦当娜是家中8个孩子中****的女孩,6岁时她的母亲患乳癌去世。童年时的麦当娜胆子很大,又很有商业头脑。她参加了学校的表演,当过啦啦队长,上过钢琴课,也学习过芭蕾舞。麦当娜的舞技使她赢得了密歇根大学的奖学金。
      1978年,在大学二年级时,麦当娜中断学业,前往纽约发展。富有传奇色彩的她只身带着仅有的35美元和一腔热血跑到纽约的"时代广场"安了家。经过了一个又一个低工资的工作,包括在时代广场的Dunkin'Donuts做一个省吃俭用的店员之后,麦当娜参加了著名的阿尔文-艾利(Alvin Ailey)和马萨-格雷厄姆(MarthaGraham)舞蹈团,在团里跳了一段时间的爵士舞。她不安份的本性使她不甘心长久地混迹于一群舞蹈演员中,始终默默无闻。另外,她也想从舞蹈转向音乐。这个从舞蹈演员转行的歌手参加了一连串的小规模的乐队。80年代初,她开始尝试着写歌词,慢慢地又学会了弹吉它和钢琴。麦当娜开始在当地的舞蹈俱乐部中作爵士乐歌手,她的撩人的嗓音、热情和调皮的舞台风格吸引了众多观众的注意。
      1982年,无线电唱片音乐节目主持马克-卡明斯(MarkKamins)给她提供了一个机会:以她的一首单曲“Everybody”制作了一部成功的俱乐部舞台剧,并把初露头角的麦当娜介绍给了华纳唱片公司(Warner Bros.)的行政官员。这位官员对她的歌非常满意,立即给了麦当娜一个录音合同。
1983年,麦当娜出版了首张以她名字命名的专辑《MADONNA》,但没有引起人们的注意。然而这张唱片的几首歌曲成了纽约夜总会的必放歌曲。其中的第一首单曲“Holiday”又经过市内广播电台在空中传播,令人难以置信的是进入了全美****20首歌曲的排行榜。不久,专辑中的“Lucky Star”和“Borderline”也走上了她的第一首单曲同样的成功之路。经过录影带的广泛传播,世界知道了麦当娜,她那令人好奇的外貌:蜂刺状头发、裸露的腹部、超短裙和带着宗教色彩的装饰品,尤其是那些故意染上的色彩。
      1984年,华纳唱片公司发行了她的唱片集《像个淑女》(Like a Virgin),其主题曲成了麦当娜第一首荣登排行榜榜首的单曲,这张专辑也登上排行榜第一的位置。
      1985年,麦当娜单曲和专辑的销售量超过了任何一位艺术家。功成名就的麦当娜开始了巡回演出,她还出现在故事片《Vision Quest》(1985)和《寻找苏珊》(“Desperately Seeking Susan”,1985)中。并参加了《David Rabe's Goose》和《Tom-Tom》的舞台剧的演出。她的这些表演反映平平,但正是通过这些演出使她有机会结识了演出的合作伙伴辛-潘(Sean Penn),他们俩立刻成了人们谈论的焦点。
      1985年8月16日,麦当娜的生日的那一天,他们俩在加利福尼亚州的Malibu结合了。1986年,他们俩联袂主演了惊悚片《上海惊情》(“Shanghai Surprise”)引起了极大的反响。但是他们的婚姻维持了不到四年就结束了。“争论”--有时是回避不了的,后来麦当娜就一直伴随着它。
      1989年麦当娜的专辑《像个祈祷者》(“Like a Prayer”)中的主打歌曲,正是由于她那毁誉参半的录影带而引起了轰动。录影带上麦当娜在燃烧着的十字架前翩翩起舞,亲吻一个非洲裔的美国教徒,展示出了她本能的对神的蔑视。宗教团体对此大为愤慨,百事公司也因此而取消了对麦当娜巡回演出的资助并中断了在电视商业片中她的形象的播出。麦当娜从这一事件中又学到了什么教训呢?丑闻有卖点。麦当娜继续沿用情绪化的技巧来推销她的1990年"金发野心"全球性巡回演出,以及提高纪录片《Truth or Dare》的票房、取名《性》(X级)的自传性写真著作及主打唱片《Erotica》的销售。《性》写真事件平息下来以后,麦当娜也意识到她确实是“脱得过头了”,于是淡出艺坛。
      1995年开始拍摄了几部小成本制作的电影,包括《Blue in the Face》和《四个房间》(“Four Rooms”)。当她重新出山的时候,她体现出了二种全新的变化:一个准母亲和一个严肃的女演员。
      1996年10月14日,她和她当时的男友卡洛斯-利昂(Carlos Leon)迎来了他们的女儿卢尔德思-玛丽亚-西科尼-利昂(ourdes Maria Ciccone Leon),而麦当娜则叫她萝拉(Lola)。这位风流人物相继出演了《那女孩是谁》(“Who's That Girl?”1987),《肉体证据》(“Body of Evidence”1993),1996年又在影片《贝隆夫人》(“Evita”)出演女主角。这个角色简直就是一个为她度身量制的,至少好莱坞对外新闻协会是这样认为的,该协会授予麦当娜金球奖音乐和喜剧****女主角奖。
      1998年麦当娜推出了新的单曲《Ray of Light》,她原本以为反映不会太大,但出人意料的是这张唱片迅速登上了排行榜的首位,并自此共4次荣获白金奖。这张唱片的制作是威廉姆-奥比特(William Orbit),这是她自1994年的专辑《Bedtime Stories》以来第一次以全新的衣着、形象亮相,表明“物质妈妈”(麦当娜的别称,由其名曲“Material Girl”而来)已经与新的舞蹈音乐的风格完美地结合起来了,将传统流行音乐的风格推向一个新的领域。很明显,就象她的《Austin Powers》中的2首单曲一样,奥比特的努力使“Beautiful Stranger”迅速走红,并为麦当娜赢得了****电影MTV音乐电视奖,麦当娜又重新获得了新生。
      麦当娜还在2002年参演了007系列的Die Another Day,在剧中饰演一位西洋剑教师并为这部影片创作了主题曲。.她已经为儿童倾心创作了5本童书,第一本《英国玫瑰》将于2003年9月15日在全世界100多个国家以30种语言同步出版发行。她与她的丈夫电影导演盖伊·里奇和他们的两个孩子罗拉和洛可一起住在美国和英国。
      2008对于世界歌坛来说,2008年8月16日都将是个值得纪念的日子,因为今天是麦当娜的50岁生日。“亲爱的麦当娜,祝你生日快乐!”这是麦当娜的粉丝们在她的My Space上的留言。不离婚 领个孩子当礼物。

I stand for freedom of expression,doing what you believe in,and going after your dreams.
I suppose I sometimes used to act like I wasn't a human being…Sometimes I look back at myself and remember things I used to say,or my hairstyle,and I cringe.
If I was a girl again,I would like to be like my fans,I would like to be like Madonna.
I'm tough,I'm ambitious,and I know exactly what I want.If that makes a bad woman,okay.
Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another.
That consciousness is everything and that all things begin with a thought.That we are responsible for our own fate,we reap what we sow,we get what we give,we pull in what we put out.I know these things for sure.
Never forget to get dream.
All love is lucky,even when it breaks your heart.
When I get down on my knees,it is not to pray.
I have the same goal I've had ever since I was a girl.I want to rule the world.
When I'm hungry,I eat.When I'm thirsty,I drink.When I feel like saying something,I say it.
I am my own experiment,I am my own work of art.
I think that everyone should get married at least once,so you can see what a silly,outdated institution it is.
To me,the whole process of being a brush stroke in someone else's painting is a little difficult.
I am a survivor,I am like a cockroach,you just can't get rid of me.
To be brave is to love someone unconditionally,without expecting anything in return.To just give.That takes courage,because we don't want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt.
 Like a virgin 歌词

 I made it through the wilderness
 Somehow I made it through
 Didnt know how lost I was
 Until I found you
 I was beat incomplete
 Id been had, I was sad and blue
 But you made me feel
 Yeah, you made me feel
 Shiny and new
 Like a virgin
 Touched for the very first time
 Like a virgin
 When your heart beats
 Next to mine
 Gonna give you all my love, boy
 My fear is fading fast
 Been saving it all for you
 Cause only love can last
 Youre so fine and youre mine
 Make me strong, yeah you make me bold
 Oh your love thawed out
 Yeah, your love thawed out
 What was scared and cold
 Like a virgin
 Touched for the very first time
 Like a virgin
 With your heartbeat
 Next to mine
 Oooh, oooh, oooh
 Youre so fine and youre mine
 Ill be yours till the end of time
 Cause you made me feel
 Yeah, you made me feel
 Ive nothing to hide
 Like a virgin
 Touched for the very first time
 Like a virgin
 With your heartbeat
 Next to mine
 Like a virgin, ooh, ooh
 Like a virgin
 Feels so good inside
 When you hold me, and your heart beats, and you love me
 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
 Ooh, baby
 Cant you hear my heart beat
 For the very first time?
1983 Madonna
1. Lucky Star
2. Borderline
3. Burning Up
4. I Know It
5. Holiday
6. Think Of Me
7. Physical Attraction
8. Everybody
9. Burning Up (12in Version)
10. Lucky Star (New Mix)
1984 Like A Virgin
1. Material Girl
2. Angel
3. Like a Virgin
4. Over and Over
5. Love Don't Live Here Anymore
6. Into the Groove
7. Dress You Up
8. Shoo-Bee-Doo
9. Pretender
10. Stay
1986 True Blue
1. Papa Don't Preach
2. Open Your Heart
3. White Heat
4. Live To Tell
5. Where's The Party
6. True Blue
7. La Isla Bonita
8. Jimmy Jimmy
9. Love Makes The World Go Round
1987 Who's that girl
1. Who's That Girl / Madonna
2. Causing a Commotion / Madonna
3. The Look of Love / Madonna
4. 24 Hours / Duncan Faure
5. Step by Step / Club Nouveau
6. Turn It Up / Michael Davidson
7. Best Thing Ever / Scritti Politti
8. Can't Stop / Madonna
9. El Coco Loco (So So Bad) / Coati Mundi
1987 You can dance
01. Spotlight
02. Holiday
03. Everybody
04. Physical Attraction
05. Over and Over
06. Into the Groove
07. Where's the Party
08. Holiday [Dub Version]
09. Into the Groove [Dub Version]
10. Where's the Party [Dub Version]
1989 Like A Prayer
1. Like a Prayer
2. Express Yourself
3. Love Song
4. Till Death Do Us Part
5. Promise to Try
6. Cherish
7. Dear Jessie
8. Oh Father
9. Keep It Together
10. Spanish Eyes
11. Act of Contrition
1990The Immaculate Collection
1. Holiday
2. Lucky Star
3. Borderline
4. Like A Virgin
5. Material Girl
6. Crazy For You
7. Into The Groove
8. Live To Tell
9. Papa Don't Preach
10. Open Your Heart
11. La Isla Bonita
12. Like A Prayer
13. Express Yourself
14. Cherish
15. Vogue
16. Justify My Love
17. Rescue Me
1992 Erotica
1. Erotica
2. Fever
3. Bye Bye Baby
4. Deeper and Deeper
5. Where Life Begins
6. Bad Girl
7. Waiting
8. Thief of Hearts
9. Words
10. Rain
11. Why's It So Hard
12. In This Life
13. Did You Do It?
14. Secret Garden
1994 Bedtime Stories
3.I'd rather be your lover
4.Don't stop
5.Inside of me
6.Human nature
7.Forbidden love
8.Love tried to welcome me
10.Bedtime story
11.Take a bow
1995 Something to remember
1. I Want You (With Massive Attack)
2. I'll Remember (Theme From The Motion Picture With Honors)
3. Take a Bow
4. You'll See
5. Crazy for You
6. This Used to Be My Playground
7. Live to Tell
8. Love Don't Live Here Anymore(Remix)
9. Something to Remember
10. Forbidden Love
11. One More Chance
12. Rain
13. Oh Father
14. I Want You (Orchestral)With Massive Attack
1998 Ray Of Light
1. Drowned World/Substitute For Love
2. Swim
3. Ray Of Light
4. Candy Perfume Girl
5. Skin
6. Nothing Really Matters
7. Sky Fits Heaven
8. Shanti/Ashtangi
9. Frozen
10. The Power Of Good-Bye
11. To Have And Not To Hold
12. Little Star
13. Mer Girl
2000 Music
1. Music
2. Impressive Instant
3. Runaway Lover
4. I Deserve It
5. Amazing
6. Nobody's Perfect
7. Don't Tell Me
8. What It Feels Like For A Girl
9. Paradise (Not For Me)
10. Gone
11. American Pie
12. Ray Of Light
13. Take A Bow
14. Like A Prayer
15. Secret
2003 American Life
01. American Life
02. Hollywood
03. I'm So Stupid
04. Love Profusion
05. Nobody Knows me
06. Nothing Fails
07. Intervention
08. X-static Process
09. Mother & Father
10. Die Another Day
11. Esy Ride
2005 Confessions On A Dance Floor
1. Hung Up
2. Get Together
3. Sorry
4. Future Lovers
5. I Love New York
6. Let It Will Be
7. Forbidden Love
8. Jump
9. How High
10. Isaac
11. Push
12. Like It Or Not
2008 Hard Candy
01. Candy Shop
02. 4 Minutes
03. Give It 2 Me
04. Heartbeat
05. Miles Away
06. She's Not Me
07. Incredible
08. Beat Goes On
09. Dance 2night
10. Spanish Lesson
11. Devil Wouldn't Recognize You
12. Voices
13. 4 Minutes (Peter Saves New York Edit)
14. 4 Minutes (Junkie XL Remix Edit)
15. Give It 2 Me (Paul Oakenfold Edit)
16. Ring My Bell
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