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流行/摇滚/乡村音乐:Pop/Rock/ Country
作者:amoy  文章来源:厦门吉他培训中心  添加时间:2009-3-7  点击次数:2226

       流行/摇滚/乡村音乐:Pop/Rock/ Country
       Pop/rock might seem like an overly vague designation — after all, rock & roll was catchy and melodic long before it was thought of as pop music, and from the early 60s on, nearly all pop reflected the influence of rock & roll in one way or another. But pure pop took a while to become comfortable with rocks insistent backbeat, and it wasn't until the dawn of the70s — around the time when rock & rolls first-generation fans were settling into adulthood — that truly equal pop/rock fusions became the epitome of mainstream music (as opposed to pre-rock vocal pop, which still commanded a sizable adult audience for most of the 60s).
  Naturally, pop/rocks primary focus was on melody — as big, catchy, and instantly memorable as possible, whether the song was a rocker, ballad, or midtempo in-betweener. But the other, less immediately apparent aspect of pop/rock was its emphasis on the professional craft of record-making. The songs were tightly constructed, with no wasted space or prolonged detours from the melodic hooks. The production was clean, polished, and bright, making full use of the advances in recording technology (and technique) that had taken place over the course of the 60s. In general, pop/rock was catchy and energetic enough to appeal to younger listeners, but clean and safe enough for adults as well. Pop/rock, however, was not soft rock; its important to realize — hard as it may be to imagine today — that the big hooks, rock instrumentation, and definite backbeat gave pop/rock an energy that would have been too edgy for more conservative listeners who hadn't grown up with rock & roll.
  Naturally, with its commercial accessibility, pop/rock produced some of the biggest stars of the 70s, such as Elton John, Peter Frampton, Paul McCartney & Wings, and Fleetwood Mac; it continued on into the 80s with Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, Hall & Oates, George Michael, and many others. In the 90s, pop/rock became largely the province of well-established veterans, as alternative rock, urban R&B, hip-hop, and teen pop took over the pop charts to the exclusion of most everything else.
  自然而然地,伴随商业的介入,流行/摇滚造就了一些1970年代最有名的明星,如Elton John,Peter Frampton,Paul McCartney & Wings(编者:Paul McCartney是前甲壳虫的左手贝斯手,后被封爵),还有Fleetwood Mac;进入1980年代后,这种风格伴随着Billy Joel,Bruce Springsteen(编者注:拿一把Fender吉他的被称作美国的“蓝领英雄”的著名摇滚乐家),Hall & Oates,George Michael和众多其他乐人继续成长。1990年代里,流行/摇滚变成了大量其他成熟的乐风的基石,比如另类摇滚,都市节奏与布鲁斯,黑炮以及青少年流行乐(如Britney Spears),从占领流行榜并渗透到几乎每一个角度。
  Country music is about tradition, yet its simple form lends itself to endless variations on similar themes. Like blues — the two genres often shared themes, melodies and songs — country is a simple music at its core. Most of its songs are built around three chords and a plain melody, but these forms are so basic, they allow for many different styles, from the gritty sounds of honky tonk to the jazzy improvisations of Western Swing.
  乡村音乐是种传统,而其简单的形式使其由于相似的主题而被其他音乐借用,产生无数的形式。就像是布鲁斯--这两种音乐经常有共同的主题、旋律和歌曲--乡村乐从核心来讲是种简单的音乐。其中的多数歌曲只用三个和弦(编者注:布鲁斯也如此,经常用到的三和弦是大调的I、IV和V级和弦)和一个朴素的旋律。正因为这些形式如此的基本,它们允许加入其他众多的音乐风格,像从粗糙的honky tonk之声到西部摇摆乐风中爵士乐般的即兴进阶。
  Country music grew out of American Southern folk music, both Appalachian and blues, and old-time country was simple and folky, with just guitars and fiddles. As the genre progressed, old time music evolved into the rhythmic guitar-and-fiddle driven traditional country that became the foundation of modern country music, from honky tonk and Western Swing to the pop-oriented Countrypolitan and rock-inflected Bakersfield Sound.
  乡村音乐来自美国南方的民间音乐,包括阿巴拉契亚和布鲁斯乐。老式的乡村乐简单又纯朴,只有吉他和小提琴。随着此种音乐门类的发展,早年的音乐发展成为节奏感的吉他-提琴为基本演奏形式的,传统乡村为基础的当代乡村音乐,并涵盖了从honky tonk和西部摇摆,到基于流行的都市乡村乐和受摇滚影响的贝克斯费尔德之声。(连庆译自AMG)
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