洛杉矶吉他四重奏(Los Angeles Guitar Quartet)简介
John Dearman (约翰·迪尔曼)
William Kanengiser (威廉姆·卡宁盖瑟)
Andrew York (安德鲁·约克)
Scott Tennant (斯科特·泰南德)
作为美国首席室内乐团之一的洛杉矶吉他四重奏,是一支具有超凡魅力的音乐团体。四位演奏家的演出充满激情,相互配合默契。他们对于以往作品的改编,使得许多音乐会演奏曲目焕发出新的光彩。而对现代作品和世界音乐的发掘,极大地扩展了他们的演奏空间,以至于最苛刻的音乐评论家也会为他们喝彩。洛杉矶吉他四重奏已经为吉他四重奏演奏形式建立了新的标准。官方主页: www.lagq.com
2001年9月,洛杉矶吉他四重奏在西班牙首都马德里演出了华金·罗德里戈大师的阿兰胡埃斯协奏曲,作为纪念这位伟大的音乐家诞辰100周年官方纪念活动的一个重要组成部分。在2001-02演出季,乐团的演出场次超过了20场,包括在美国犹他州、奥斯丁、纳什维尔、以及与新墨西哥交响乐团、布法罗爱乐乐团、好莱坞Bowl管弦乐团合作。洛杉矶吉他四重奏还与葛莱美音乐大奖的优胜者俄耳甫斯室内乐团(Orpheus Chamber Orchestra)合作,在Raleigh,加拿大多伦多,迈阿密和纽约进行演出。
洛杉矶吉他四重奏曾在诸多世界顶尖级音乐厅中演出,包括芝加哥音乐厅,伦敦的Wigmore Hall,纽约的Alice Tully音乐厅,以及卡耐基音乐厅中的Weill独奏演奏厅。此外,他们还在欧洲和亚洲举办音乐会,包括香港、新加坡、参加马尼拉国际艺术节等。
洛杉矶吉他四重奏曾在SONY Classical旗下录制出版过两张唱片。第一张取名为"L.A.G.Q.",该专辑古典音乐排行榜前15名的位子上停留了6个月之久。第二张唱片"天空与大地"也取得了非常辉煌的成绩,在前25名的位子上停留了4个月时间。
目前,在美国National Public Radio广播电台的"Performance Today"节目,Minnesota Public Radio广播电台的"St. Paul Sunday Morning"节目,PBS的"Eveningat Pops"节目中都可以听到洛杉矶吉他四重奏的演奏。此外,CNN的"Show Biz Today",CBS的"SaturdayMorning"和A&E Network的"Breakfast with the Arts"节目中也可以见到洛杉矶吉他四重奏的身影。
“无可置疑,洛杉矶吉他四重奏乐团是当今美国西部室内乐舞台上最为耀眼的亮点之一。他们的曲目安排复杂多变,射猎广泛,配合默契,具有非常大的创新性和冒险味道。”—— 洛杉矶时报(Los Angeles Times)
“……充满灵感、不拘一格,在严谨和自由的平衡中趋向完美……”—— 华盛顿邮报(Washington Post)
“世界上最出色的吉他四重奏乐团之一……如果你不曾听过古典吉他四重奏,那么他们的音乐将不仅仅向你展示你都错过了什么,还将带你进入一个全新领域……”—— 吉他演奏者(Guitar Player)
“世界上的古典音乐室内乐团,或是最严谨的流行乐团?听到这个评价我们一下就会想到洛杉矶吉他四重奏乐团,强调音乐的无上欢乐,和不断追寻的精神。”—— 洛杉矶时报(Los Angeles Times)
Celebrating their twenty-seventh year on the concert stage, the members of the GRAMMY®-winning Los Angeles Guitar Quartet continue to set the standard for expression and virtuosity among guitar ensembles, while perennially redefining themselves in their musical explorations. With over a dozen recordings over the past two decades, they have established themselves as masters of the classics, as well as the creators of the unique syntheses of world-music and contemporary styles that have made the "LAGQ-sound" a favorite around the world. Their first recording for Telarc International, LAGQ: Latin, was nominated for a GRAMMY® for Best Classical Crossover Recording in 2003, while the second, LAGQ's Guitar Heroes, won a GRAMMY® in this category in 2005. Their subsequent Telarc release, Spin, gained wide critical acclaim, as did their recent live concert DVD for Mel Bay Records, LAGQ Live at the Sheldon.
With the release of their newest Telarc recording, LAGQ Brazil in September 2007, the group finds itself writing a new chapter in its history. The three founding members John Dearman, William Kanengiser and Scott Tennant welcome long-time friend Matthew Greif into the group, and this recording showcases his agile musicianship, cultured sound, and mature jazz skills. In its new incarnation, the tradition of refined chamber-music making and category-defying innovation that made LAGQ famous is sure to continue to thrive for years to come. The genesis of the Brazilian-flavored CD began with a touring collaboration of LAGQ with the brilliant Brazilian singer Luciana Souza in 2006; with over a dozen concerts, including one at Zankel Hall (Carnegie) in New York, this joint project yielded a number of newly composed and specially arranged pieces exploring the music of Brazil. In discovering common musical ground with Ms. Souza, LAGQ was inspired to fully explore the rich traditions of Brazilian music, and to find connections with American forms such as jazz, blues and funk.
LAGQ is already actively planning its next recording project, a Bach celebration, and is working to expand its repertoire with new concerto commissions by Sergio Assad and Carlos Rafael Rivera. Their active touring schedule takes them throughout North America, Europe, and Asia, and their restless curiosity will continue to inspire them to explore new musical directions for the guitar quartet.
John Dearman
Originally from Minneapolis, John Dearman is a versatile guitarist whose repertoire ranges from samba to bluegrass, and from flamenco to classical. He enriches the sound of the LAGQ by performing on a unique seven-string guitar with extended upper and lower registers. John is currently the Director of Guitar Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara.